Hug Refill & Bulk

Nowadays, the majority of packages are discarded after only one use. These valuable resources will be disposed of in landfills and incinerators.

As a manufacturer, Hug aims to run the business with a Circular Economy model by encouraging the use of every single resource at its best efficiency. As a result, our packaging is designed to be durable and reusable, which is not only good for the environment but also more interesting and functional. We also choose packaging based on the Reduce, Re-use, and Refill concepts and provide a service station where customers can bring their used packages and refill them with the products without creating new waste.

Besides, the Circular Economy model’s goal is to reduce energy and resource consumption processes while reusing our existing packages.

Save money

Save packaging

Save carbon emissions

Hug would like to introduce a new way to buy your favorite product that helps you save money and minimize waste at the same time.
Think about the products we use in our daily lives: liquid soap, shampoo, and household cleaning solutions, and question
“Why do we have to pay for the packaging (which we are going to throw away anyway) when we only need the content inside?”

Simple steps to experience Hug Refill and Bulk :




Weight & Write

Just make your existing packages/containers clean and dry, then reuse them at Hug Refill & Bulk.

1. Weigh the package you bring (You can also use one of our prepared bottles if you do not have one.)
2. Write down your package’s weight before getting it refilled with the supplies you want. Also, keep the product’s code in mind (or paper) for convenient payment.
3. When weighing again after refilling, subtract the package’s initial weight to determine the cost.

Only 3 steps could change the world, save money,
and make our community, society, environment, and earth sustainable.

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