Sustainable development

Skincare products are a rapidly growing industry that is expected to rise further globally due to rapid development, including technological advancement. However, the actual cost is not just about money.
We want people to be concerned that the skincare industry somehow has a negative impact on the Earth and the environment, such as pollution and resource depletion. That is why we developed Hug to be a sustainable skincare brand.

Environmental issues in the skincare industry

Skincare is one of the industries that pollutes the environment. It not only encourages overspending, but it also wastes in every way. As a result, Hug is focusing on the fact that when we develop new products, we must consider the environmental impact. Here are some examples of environmental keys to which Hug pays close attention.


It is one of the biggest problems in the skincare industry. Most packages are made of single-use plastic and non-recyclable materials. Plastic, on the other hand, takes 1,000 years to decompose. Furthermore, an estimated 8 million tons of plastic (including waste from other industries) are thrown into the sea each year, polluting and harming marine life and the food chain.

>> >> Hug, therefore, chooses reusable and recyclable packaging.

Toxic chemicals

Not only is packaging bad for the Earth but so are the toxic chemicals in skincare products that will go down the drain and end up in the ocean, harming marine life and the ecosystem. For example, oxybenzone and octinoxate, chemicals found in sunscreens, cause coral bleaching.

>> >> All Hug’s products contain only ingredients that are good for your skin and the environment while avoiding toxic chemicals.
>> >> Hug’s household cleaning products use Effective Microorganism (EM Technology) for wastewater treatment, which is good for our ecosystem.

Water use

Water is the most used ingredient in the skincare industry. Another problem is that we are likely to waste a lot of water on self-cleaning with skincare products, and the solution is to spend less time on it, use good quality products, and turn off the water when we do not need it!

>> >> Hug’s shower gel and shampoo contain ingredients that are easy to clean and readily biodegradable.

How can sustainable skincare solve environmental problems?

Sustainable skincare products with an ethical mindset can minimize environmental impacts. It begins in the early stages of product development, when reasonable payment for high-quality ingredients, including consistent testing, should be implemented. Furthermore, by developing reusable or recyclable packaging, we should consider a product through its entire life cycle. We may encourage consumers to finish their current products before purchasing a new one as well.

As a result, purchases made by consumers based on ingredient concerns and selective purchasing behavior only when necessary, rather than by marketing campaigns, would be clearly beneficial to the Earth, your skin, and your wallet.
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